Sunday, August 8, 2010

In The Beginning...

...God created this blog. And he thought it was good.

So here it is - the inaugural post.

Firstly, something about me, Justin. I am one of the student ambassadors for the Queensland Resources Council (QRC) - see article here. QRC is a not-for-profit peak industry body representing Queensland's minerals and energy companies. It is QRC's vision to secure an environment conductive to the long-term sustainability of minerals and energy sectors in Queensland, Australia.

As a student ambassador for QRC, I have the fortune of experiencing first hand the many wonderful and exciting opportunities within the resources industry. And through this blog, I intend to share with you some of these awesome opportunities that I have personally experienced.

Although I have only been a student ambassador for only a little over a year, I have already had many many amazing encounters which I never thought were possible for a university student. From travelling inter-state for mining conferences - to working with top scientists at the CSIRO - no dream is too big for the resources industry.

And all these wonderful experiences led me to gain some invaluable insights into the resources sector. Working in the resources sector represents so much more than just a financially rewarding career. It is about being the change you want to see in the world. It is about delivering resources profitably, while keeping social and environmental responsibilities as your utmost priority. Most importantly, it is about seeing the outcome of your hard work improve the lives of people around the world.

In the coming weeks, I will be posting more about the specific experiences I have had within the resources industry. Stay tuned.


  1. Any news on the CSIRO trip from an insider? Would have been a great day to go to, especially seeing as you probably already knew about the projects they were doing.

  2. hey Justin, will you be doing an on-site prac during your study? What mine site would you like to work on?
